Oral test B1
Oral test B1. Tips
Before starting the test, the examiner will ask you various information questions as a kind of introduction. You will not be graded on this. It just makes the situation more comfortable and helps to calm your nerves.
In the first part of the exam, you will answer a series of questions asked by the examiners. Remember, right from the start of the session, you will have to determine whether to use “usted” or “tu” with the examiners. During this part of the exam, they want to know if you are able to answer all of their questions with appropriate and wide ranging vocabulary, and if you understand what they’re saying, so don’t be afraid to ask.
In the second part of the exam, a situation is presented in which the student must know how to respond offering short questions or answers (like in a real-life situation, it’s not necessary to construct long, complex sentences). Here you also must show that you know the appropriate vocabulary to respond to the situation (which is always very general). The best part of this section of the exam is that there are no specific answers; there are many different ways to respond, and you have plenty of freedom to do so.
The third part of the exam involves observing images. The examiner will ask you various questions and you will describe the pictures one by one. Afterward you will tell the whole story told by the pictures. You must show that you are able to describe (in general terms, without going into fine details) the characters, situations, landscapes, etc. It’s important that you describe the pictures accurately, to show that you know what you’re explaining.
The fourth and final part of the exam is where you’ll have to describe your tastes and preferences based on the short story from the third section. It’s important to come to the exam with some general sentences that you’ve already prepared, this will help you to not get too nervous during testing.
We hope this helps a little, and good luck.