Reviewing manuals in preparation for the DELE exam.
The most updated manuals of the best known publishers.
Now that it seems that the Cervantes Institute has finished updating the DELE exam in all its different levels, and it has finished creating the new exam formats, it is a good idea to take a look at the different DELE exam study materials that are available from publishers that specialize in or place special focus on the Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language exam.
We have reviewed and compared updated catalogs from the eight publishers that are most known in the field of Spanish as a foreign language education (Difusión, Edelsa, Edinumen, Espasa, Anaya, Santillan, SGEL, and SM) and we have made some observations which those looking for a DELE exam study manual may find interesting.
Of the eight publishers mentioned above, four of them, Espasa, Anaya, Santillana, and SGEL, do not offer any specific DELE manual, although they do offer Spanish as a foreign language learning manuals.
The publisher SM ( has two manuals entitled Aprueba el DELE for levels A1 and A2.
Difusión (www.difusió has four volumes designed to help students prepare for the exam: Las claves del Nuevo DELE, which includes levels A1, A2, B1, and C1.
Edelsa ( offers Preparación al DELE in six levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. Edelsa has also updated their information of levels B1 and B2, adapting it to the new exam formats which the Cervantes Institute implemented in 2013.
Edinumen ( has a manual entitled Cronómetro which covers all levels, with updated information on the B1 and B2, and which offers a specific manual for “level B1 for schools”.
We hope you find this review useful when considering picking up a DELE exam study manual for any of the exam’s levels.
We would also like to remind anyone planning on taking the exam that taking a DELE course is highly advisable. There are courses available in which teachers work with students specifically on the different tests given in the exam, courses which place special attention on speaking and written expression, subjects that are difficult to practice without a teacher-guide to help resolve any little problems that can arise during the learning process.