DELE Diploma - Spanish Level B2 Certification
The DELE Spanish Diploma level B2 accredits language users’ capacity to:
- Interact with native speakers with a sufficient degree of fluency and spontaneity to enable easy and natural communication between interlocutors.
- Produce clear and detailed texts about diverse topics, as well as defend an opinion about general topics, expressing the pros and cons for each argument.
- Understand the gist of complex texts about both concrete and abstract topics, including technical texts, provided they are within the candidate’s area of expertise.
The level B2 examination includes four parts:
Group 1
- Reading comprehension test (70 min, 4 tasks)
- Written expression and interaction test (80 min, 2 tasks)
Group 2
- Listening comprehension test (40 min, 5 tasks)
- Oral expression and interaction test (20 min + 20 min to prepare)
The final grade is either PASS or FAIL. To obtain a diploma the candidate must earn a minimum of 60 points out of 100 on the examination, getting at least 30 points out of 50 in each test group.
IMPORTANT: In the written expression test, the candidate must strictly follow instructions about the number of words and the text format.
Sample DELE Level B2 exam (PDF file)